Here we are again !
Don’t miss our video premiere on facebook 28.12.2020.
30 minutes full of Rock’n’Roll.
More details will follow…
#lemmyversary #motörheadtribute
Motörizer – Motörhead Tribute Band
-Keep The Spirit Alive-
Here we are again !
Don’t miss our video premiere on facebook 28.12.2020.
30 minutes full of Rock’n’Roll.
More details will follow…
#lemmyversary #motörheadtribute
We celebrate the 40th Anniversary „Ace of Spades“
We all loved this album when it came out and we still celebrate the songs on every Motörizer live show.
Thank you Motörhead, we will love this album forever !
This one is dedicated to all the guys behind the stage, the helping hands, the guys behind the sound and the guys behind the light…
…to the booker, the tour manager, the guys from the agency, the catering guys, the security, the bus driver, the boys and girls behind the bar, the venue manager and the merchandise guys…
…to all the families and friends supporting us and supporting Motörhead Music, and all the rocking people making an event like this possible, thank you very much.
Very special thanks to „Ronny the Roadie“, you’re the best.
This video was taken from the Lemmyversary 3 – Markthalle Hamburg, thank you Torben, thank you Tosh.
We hope to see you all again soon, your Motörizer – Family.
Covid-19 and the taken measures have a big impact on everybody individually, but have also an impact on the music business. Enough of a reason to reach out to clubs, bands,… in the greater Hamburg area, today we include a band from Kiel, to see what the situation is and how everybody can stand together to go though this. Today we continue with Motörizer – Motörhead Tribute Band and Peter Blackhead, describing how the corona crisis affects the band.
Das gesamte Interview herunterladen (pdf):
Das gesamte Interview lesen auf „Markus‘ Heavy Music Blog“:
Motörizer – Photoshoot Weekend – 2019
We had a lot of fun taking great photos last weekend. Great Job Markus !
Motörizer ab sofort bei KS-Concerts (Tribute Acts & More | Booking | Management) gelistet.